About The Lab

We are the Offensive Security, Incident Response, and Internet Security (OSIRIS) Lab: a student-run cybersecurity research lab and club at New York University. We are a part of the University's Center for Cyber Security.

We're located in Room 1066 at 370 Jay Street, Brooklyn, in the NYU Tandon School of Engineering.

What We Do

CTF Competitions

Our Capture The Flag team NYUSEC competes in cyber security competitions every weekend.

We play most of the CTFs listed on ctftime. We compete both virtually and in-person.

Team members are selected and given team credentials per-event, so every lab member can participate.

Hack Nights

Weekly workshops teaching cyber security topics, tools, and skills.

Topics range from basic forensics and code analysis skills to advanced reverse engineering and exploits that are currently relevant and applicable in industry or academia.

Check out some of our previously recorded talks, and accompanying material in this repository.


Every Fall, OSIRIS helps run the CSAW CTF competition, one of the largest student-run cybersecurity events & competitions in the world.

We take part in writing challenges, interacting with sponsors, and facilitating the actual competitions, which comprises of both an online qualifying and in-person finals round at the university.

Industry Engagement

Researchers and industry professionals, such as our esteemed Hackers in Residence, are invited to speak about their projects and experience, and to help provide sponsorship and job opportunities to members.

Contact Us

Join Us!

OSIRIS is open to anyone at NYU, regardless of experience level or background. So come join us!

Lab Members


Executive Board